Operative Deliveries Minor & Major

Operative Deliveries, Minor & Major

At Khurana Hospital and IVF Centre, we understand that every pregnancy is unique, and sometimes, medical interventions are necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby. Our Operative Deliveries services, including both minor and major operative deliveries, are designed to provide the most advanced, safe, and compassionate care to help bring your baby into the world.

What are Operative Deliveries?

Operative deliveries are births that involve the use of surgical interventions to assist in the delivery of a baby. This can range from less invasive methods like forceps or vacuum extraction (minor operative delivery) to more complex procedures like a cesarean section (C-section) (major operative delivery). These procedures are performed by skilled obstetricians to ensure a safe delivery for both mother and child, especially in cases where complications arise during labor.

Types of Operative Deliveries

Minor Operative Deliveries

Minor operative deliveries are generally less invasive procedures used when assistance is needed during the second stage of labor. They include:

  • Vacuum Extraction: A suction cup is placed on the baby’s head to gently assist in pulling the baby out when the mother is having difficulty pushing. This is typically used when the baby is in a favorable position but there is prolonged or difficult labor.
  • Forceps Delivery: Forceps (a specialized pair of tongs) are used to help guide the baby’s head out of the birth canal during a vaginal delivery, often in situations of fetal distress or maternal exhaustion.

These procedures are generally safe, with low risks for both mother and baby, and are typically used in cases where vaginal delivery can still be achieved, but assistance is needed to speed up the process or help with positioning.

Major Operative Deliveries

Major operative deliveries are more complex surgical procedures and are performed when vaginal delivery is not possible or safe for either the mother or baby. The most common major operative delivery is:

  • Cesarean Section (C-Section): A surgical procedure where an incision is made in the abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. C-sections may be planned ahead of time due to medical reasons (such as breech presentation, placenta previa, or previous C-section deliveries) or performed as an emergency procedure during labor if complications arise (such as fetal distress or failure to progress in labor).

Cesarean sections are typically recommended when vaginal delivery presents significant risks to the health of the mother or baby.

Why Operative Deliveries are Performed

Operative deliveries are often recommended in the following situations:

  • Fetal Distress: If the baby’s heart rate drops or other signs of distress arise during labor.
  • Prolonged Labor: When labor is too long, and the baby needs assistance to be delivered safely.
  • Obstructed Labor: When the baby is in a position or size that makes it difficult for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  • Maternal Health Concerns: If the mother has health conditions that complicate a vaginal delivery, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or active infections.
  • Breech or Abnormal Positioning: When the baby is in a position that is not ideal for vaginal delivery, such as breech (feet-first), transverse (sideways), or other abnormal positions.